Hardened Advanced Chemical Earthing

Protec Hardened Advanced Chemical Earthing Systems (Protec HACE) series have been designed for low & stable resistance earthing at locations with limited real estate, high soil resistance and unstable climatic conditions. Protec HACE house a special environment friendly, non-toxic electrolyte (PROTEC Electrolyte) within a conductive pipe made of copper, copper clad steel, zinc coated steel or stainless steel. PROTEC Electrolyte is specially designed to operate within a temperature range of -10˚C to +50˚C. Tape of 20x2mm of a compatible metal is placed inside the pipe all along its length. The inside tape is welded to the top of the pipe and connected directly to the load. The unique construction is designed to shield the inside tape from below grade electromagnetic fields. Protec HACE is encapsulated within a soil enhancement material that reduces the electrode to soil resistance by more than 60%; stabilizes the moisture content and temperature variations immediately around the electrode; provides a non-corrosive encapsulation and is electrically highly conductive. The “Tape in Pipe “technology provides an ultimate Hardened Advanced Chemical Earthing System. The system is available in vertical construction and horizontal construction.

Working Principles

Protec HACE naturally acquires moisture from the atmosphere. The moisture and the electrolyte form an electrolytic solution. This solution leaches into the surrounding soil through ports critically positioned along the outer housing of HACE. This process enriches the soil with required electrolytes and moisture to keep it conductive. The electrolyte leach paths improve the speed of current dissipation. The hydrated electrolyte with HACE enhances it’s thermal stability.

Protec HACE encapsulated with a soil enhancement material increase it’s total surface area in contact with the soil and largely reduces it’s resistance to soil. The encapsulation provides external moisture envelope and thermal stability with corrosion inhibition. Earth experiences wide range of stray currents that are induced as leakage current, electrical faults or lightning strikes creating various levels of electromagnetic fields around conductors in earth. Earthing systems especially those connected to sensitive loads are affected with frequent induced currents and ground potential rise. Protec HACE “Tape in Pipe “technology shields the internal tape directly connected to the load and assures hardening towards below grade electromagnetic fields.

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